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Course Offerings

English Language Arts

English/Language Arts 9

Credit 1

Description: English 1 provides instruction in the language arts strands of reading, writing, speaking, listening viewing, language, and literature. It offers instruction in reading and vocabulary strategies necessary for comprehension of printed materials; research; the writing of effective paragraphs and multi-paragraph papers, with emphasis upon all stages of the writing process in prepared or timed form (prewriting, drafting, editing, proofreading, publishing); speech instruction including formal and informal presentations; evaluation of mass media; the analysis of genres, and the study of language concentrating on conventions of grammar, usage, and mechanics. Technology is incorporated into all aspects of the courses. Honors course

English/Language Arts 10

Credit 1

Description: English 2 provides instruction in the language arts strands of reading, writing, speaking, listening viewing, language, and literature. Content includes instruction in reading literature and vocabulary strategies necessary to comprehend printed materials; the writing of essays for various purposes and audiences, using literary and nonliterary subjects; prepared and timed writings, utilizing all elements of the writing process where appropriate (prewriting, drafting, editing, revising and publishing); emphasis of applicable research, viewing, listening, observing, and speaking skills; analysis of selections found in world literature; study of grammar, mechanics, usage and other conventions of standard written English; study of mass media, including analysis of propaganda and persuasion techniques; and instruction in speech, including analysis of effective techniques in oral presentations. Technology is incorporated into all aspects of the course.

PREREQUISITE: One English credit

Honors course available on request with teacher approval.

English/Language Arts 11

Credit 1

Description: English 3 provides instruction in the language arts strands of reading, writing, speaking, listening viewing, language, and literature. Composition instruction includes frequent practice in writing various types of multi-paragraph papers, including documented papers/projects. Reference and summarizing skills will be stressed as well as all phases of the writing process (prewriting, drafting, editing, revising, and publishing). This study will include the analysis of representative examples of American literary works in various genres as they illustrate distinctive national qualities and the ethnic and cultural diversity of the American experience. Vocabulary, grammar, and usage are studied in conjunction with literature and writing. Listening, speaking, viewing, observing, researching, and writing assignments are related to the study of American literature when appropriate. Technology is incorporated into all aspects of the course.

PREREQUISITE: Two English credits

Honors course available on request with teacher approval.

English/Language Arts 12

Credit 1

Description: English 4 provides instruction in the critical analysis of representative examples from British literature as they reflect changes in the language and the development of the literary traditions of the English language. Writing experiences are structured to provide practice in real-life writing situations likely to be encountered beyond secondary school. Opportunity is provided to extend speaking, viewing, observing, researching, and listening skills. Content includes instruction in vocabulary strategies and reading necessary for comprehension of printed materials. Technology is incorporated into all aspects of the course.

PREREQUISITE: Two English credits

Honors course available on request with teacher approval.

ENC 1101 College Writing & Rhetoric I Dual Enrollment

Credit 3

Description: ENC 1101, the first of FIU's two-course writing sequence, introduces students to the writing, reading, and critical thinking skills required for college writing. Course materials and writing projects introduce rhetorical concepts and invite students to consider themselves as writers inside and outside the classroom. Students will read and analyze professional nonfiction texts to understand how experienced writers develop and present ideas through writing. They will complete four major writing projects for a variety of audiences and purposes.Three of these projects (800-1,800 words in length) will be written in a multi-draft writing process, while a fourth project will offer students practice in timed writing contexts. PREREQUISITE: Completion of FIU's Dual Enrollment Admissions Requirements.

PREREQUISITE: Completion of FIU's Dual

Enrollment Admissions Requirements.

ADV 3008 Principles of Advertisement Dual Enrollment

Credit 3

Description: Comprehensive survey of basic principles and practices of advertising emphasizing creative/media strategy decision processes and historical, social, economic, and social influences.

PREREQUISITE: Completion of FIU's Dual

Enrollment Admissions Requirements.

SPC 2608 College Public Speaking Dual Enrollment

Credit 3

Description: SPC 2608 examines the basic components of effective individual and group presentations, including research, preparation, construction, and delivery. This course will help you succeed personally, professionally, and academically. It will improve your confidence and ability to communicate successfully with others, both in and outside the classroom. It will teach you how to prepare and deliver formal presentations, which is vital during your education and in the workplace. Improvement is a process and will not happen overnight; however, you will gain and hone skills with each speech. This course requires you to deliver speeches, which prepares you for real-world speaking contexts.

PREREQUISITE: Completion of FIU's Dual

Enrollment Admissions Requirements.

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