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Limudei Kodesh


Torah Shebichtav

Credit 1

Description: This course covers the Biblical period of the formation of the Jewish Nation. This course focuses on content, analytical skills and essential Biblical Hebrew terminology. Students are introduced to classic commentaries and compare and contrast differing approaches to understanding the texts. Each unit is analyzed both in terms of its own contemporary lessons as well as its greater impact in the big picture of Hashem's purpose and meaning for humanity. The 9th Grade Girls will focus on Navi Sefer Shmuel Aleph. This book introduces the era of some of our greatest prophets including the book’s namesake, Shmuel as well as the early stages of the Jewish monarchy. Different systems of government are contrasted as well as the effects these systems have on the populace. A running theme through this book is the relationship of leaders with Bnai Yisrael and their mission of guiding Bnai Yisrael in their adherence to the Torah.


Credit 1

Description: Covers practical Jewish law in our lives. Including: Daily activity, Tefilla Shabbat and Chagim. Students explore the system of how Judaism derives legal practices from the Torah and the specific sources and rationale for Jewish legal practices. This course also offers an experiential component to help integrate these practices in our lives and display the relevancy of these laws in modern times.

Torah Shebe’al Peh

Credit 1

Description: Relates traditions of ethics and morality as passed down from our sages. This ancient wisdom governs interactions between people and overall best practices for life. It gives a core purpose to the existence of the Jewish people, as well as lays out a practical map for our success in the world at large.

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